Ibeyi is a French-Cuban group composed of the sister duo, Lisa-Kaindé Diaz and Naomi Diaz. Interestingly enough, their father is the famous Cuban percussionist, Anga Díaz, originally a member of Irakere and the Buena Vista Social Club. Both of them sing in both English and Yoruba--a West African language. Naomi pays traditional Afro-Cuban and Peruvian percussion instruments, the Batá drums and the cajón (respectively) and Lisa plays piano. The music has elements of Afro-Cuban and French rhythms and music fused with Jazz, Electronic, Pop, and traditional music sampling.
"River" is a simple, yet beautifully arranged song featuring synthesizers, sampling, and many of the other elements listed above that make up their music. Towards the end of the song, they start to sing in Yoruba, which brings in a more traditional, ethereal color to the electronic sounds in the music. I am a huge fan of arrangements that manage to blend traditional and progressive music into a whole new, seamless sound. Some times when completely different styles or genres of music are mixed together, the result is not necessarily a smooth one, but "River" is a beautiful result.
Are there songs, musicians or groups to you that blend different styles of music into a new, interesting sound? Leave a comment below!
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